Welcome to our store!
Apparel and More!
If you have purchased an item, please contact Mr. Peters to pick up your order.
Please click the categories below to shop or scroll down for a complete listing of items.

Production Photos - Big Fish
$25.00 - $35.00
$25.00 - $35.00

Student Ads - OAP (Varsity and JV)
$30.00 - $100.00
$30.00 - $100.00

TWHS Cabaret Production Fee

24/25 Department Shirt


Take a Seat Campaign

Baseball Hat

Tech Beanie

Department Hoodie

Department Shirt

Tech Shirt

Department Sweatpants

Department Fleece

Improv Shirt

Yard Sign

Car Decal

Pajama Pants

TWHS Theater Lanyard

Black V Neck

TWHS T-Shirt - Yellow

TWHS Sweatshirt

Discount Script Club Shirts